The script depends on the numbers of selected layers:
No layer selected:
The script will create a fresh RigtRect setup in the selected composition. More info →
1 layer selected:
The selected layer will be rigged as RigtSource layer. More info →
1 layer selected + ALT click:
The selected layer will be rigged as RigtFill (constrain proportions while scaling) layer. More info →
1 layer selected + SHIFT click:
Fix a broken rig of the selected RigtRect or RigtSource layer. More info →
2 layers selected:
The script will create a new RigtRect between the two selected layers.
These layers can be any layers that have a position property.
3 layers selected:
If the selection contains a RigtRect or RigtSource, the script tries to relink the rig to the other two layers.
You can always change the handle layers in the RigtRect / RigtSource effect settings manually, but the 3 layers selection method is way more convinient.
Last updated